Denise Goldberg's blog

Boston to Oregon, a cross-country celebration
It's time to live my dream of riding my bicycle across the country

Monday, July 15, 2002

A long overdue (and well-deserved) rest day

Buffalo, MO

Today I took a long overdue rest day. It was a real rest, no biking at all. In fact, I didn't do much of anything. I slept until 8 this morning - what luxury! Then I had breakfast, and sat and read a newspaper. OK, it was only USA Today, but it was the best thing around. I did a little bit of walking, then came back to the room and read a book.

Lunchtime - another walk to find some food. Next I sat in the hot tub for a while and read some more. (Reading material... mysteries.) Luckily I had the pool and hot tub to myself today, so it was really relaxing. Yesterday there was a family in there with me, with a couple of boys being boys - noisy. It was nice to have the quiet this afternoon.

I've spent some time looking at my maps, trying to figure out where I'll wind up tomorrow. I'm sure that Missouri still has some hills for me, and some of the people I talked to yesterday said that the eastern edge of Kansas has some leftover Missouri hills too. Places to stay are pretty spread out. It looks like tomorrow I'll have a choice of a 48 to 50 mile day or an 80 mile day. I guess where I end up will depend on how I feel after 50 miles.

It's about time to go out and find some more food again. I'll just upload this journal entry and head out in my never-ending quest for fuel!

A word of warning to my faithful readers: I've reached an area where I probably won't be able to access the Internet every day. I need a phone line, and camp sites usually don't give me access to a phone. I'll be continuing to write every day, and I'll upload journal entries whenever I can. Please keep checking back, and don't panic if you don't see an entry for several days - just assume that I'm OK and still pedaling along out here!

Rover and I just needed a rest today. No bike riding, so no helmet, and no helmet-head!